Primary School

Helping the people who need...

Present Services

1. Champi Devi Inter College

  • Monetary Merit Rewards for 9th - 12th grade students.
  • Scholarship Scheme for higher education for students passing out from our school - 50% of the tution fee.
  • Champidevi Inter College has been recognized by UPSC Board.
  • Our UP Board result of the Champidevi Inter College has been Excellent.
  • 1 principal +13 teacher has been hired to teach 6-12 grade students.
  • Cameras has been installed in the school.
  • The school enjoys a lab of 28 computers with Internet Facility.

2. Prabha Clinic

  • An eye medical team often goes to village to help villagers to take care of medical problems.
  • A Prabha Clinic has been opened to help villagers in Health.
  • Approximately more than 20 patients visit the clinic every day.
  • 1 Doctor and 1 Pharmacist take care of the clinic and patients.
  • All villagers, students and teachers receive doctor consultations and medicines for free or very little fees.
  • Prabha Clinic was inaugurated on 11th July 2019.

3. Hare Krishna Kreeda Sthal (PlayGround)

  • The construction of Hare Krishna Kreeda Sthal was completed in Dec 2020.
  • Some internal roads, the village well, drainage system have been renovated.
  • Building and playground was inaugurated on 3rd Jan 2021.
  • The playground is a part of school, but it allows villagers to use it after school hours.
  • The response has been magnanimous. Approximately 300 to 400 students, and villagers use the playground every day.

4. Improving primary school education

  • We have adopted Hare Krishna Savilaya School, Jamon. It is now under development. Click on "Primary School" tab for more details.

5. Opening a new Kindergarten school

  • We have adopted a non-working Aaganwari School. In its place, we have started a free Kindergarten School named Hare Krishna Shishu Mandir. The villagers' response was very encouraging and full of enthusiasm. At present, the school has 90 students. Click on "Kindergarten" tab for more details.

Our Future Plans

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Improving connecting roads to champi devi inter college

  • It is our attempt to improve all roads from different villages to this college.
  • We ourselves have improved some nearby roads to this college but still there are some roads connecting to different villages are required to be improved as shown in Picture No 2.
  • It will be our attempt to soon completed this task

About Champi Devi Inter College

Smt. Champi Devi Inter College
Village & Post - Jamau
District - Aligarh(U.P.) -202145
Email - [email protected]

A private party has been running a junior high school, a small dispensary, and a temple on their own in a remote village of UP, India. The school in village was very popular and had a population of 172 students. Many of the students from this school have attended college, or attending colleges, and enjoy great jobs. The whole village is very cooperative in maintaining the school.

After 35 years, the building of the school needs full renovation. It has also land for playground but requires some development so that it can be properly used. The school governing board contacted Tulsi Das Charity Org to help to reconstruct the school building and extend much needed education in the village to 12th grade. Tulsi Das Charity Org accepted the proposal and sanctioned required funds for the school.

As everybody knows, India near Vrindavan, becomes very hot from April to September. It is nearly impossible for anyone to work during these months without a fan. The government provides unreliable electricity for very short duration. Therefore, we decided to provide electricity via solar panels to school so that we can provide uninterrupted electricity in school for fans, to power-up computers, and to provide light.

Internet is a must in all houses in America, but it is not so in India. Importance of internet is very high and can-do wonders in one’s life e.g. provides us answers to all our daily questions, search jobs, helps in creating cottage industry, sell your products, helps in education, helps being connected etc. etc. With this understanding we decided to educate our school children with necessary English and internet education. Though India is backward in education, but internet capability exists even in far villages. For this we decided to erect a 70 feet high antenna to capture internet signal.

To get the very best teachers in a remote village is next to impossible. Therefore, we hired whatever practically possible very best teachers. Next, we have hired a team of highly educated teachers who come once in a week and will instruct teachers to teach in the best way. Without a good character, all education is useless. Iskcon people from Iskcon Vrindavan come once in one week to help student and teachers in character building.


The construction of the school with the help of Tulsi Das Charity Org started in early 2016. The construction of the school was successfully completed in Feb 2017. The building of the school was inaugurated on 1st March 2017, the classes started on 1st April 2017. Soon the governing board of the school applied for recognition by UP board. It is expected to receive school recognition by end of March 2018.

After the construction of the building of the school we have created a medical clinic for the benefit of the students, teachers and nearby villagers. We have also constructed a playground for students and nearby villagers.

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